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Jl. H. Adam Malik No. 35
Medan, Indonesia
0811 658 1108
24 November 2022
3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Property

There are many types and investment instruments, both in the form of real assets and financial assets. What is real asset investment? This form of investment can be made with visible or invisible assets, such as land, precious metals, and property. Meanwhile, investment in financial assets is the type that is carried out with securities, such as deposits and stocks.

One of the investment instruments that tend to be stable and price increases from year to year is property investment. What is property investment? Property investment is a type of investment that includes the purchase, rental, and sale of property assets to generate profits. And property investment is also a fairly flexible investment because it can be a short-term investment or a long-term investment.

The advantages of investment property are:

1. Value tends to be stable from year to year

The need for housing or property will still exist over time. For this reason, the value of a property will be very stable and even tend to rise, if you own a property in a strategic location and have a high investment value.

2. A sizable capital gain

Capital gain, namely the value of the gain when the assets used as investments are sold in the following year. This property is everyone's need so prices remain stable and tend to rise.

3. Investments that can be seen physically

By investing in property, you can see that the form of investment is in real physical form. This is very different from other types of investments such as stocks or mutual funds.

For that, you can think from now on why you should divert your funds to choose the field of the property after Vigourland because you have several reasons above. At Yuu at Contempo which is in Titi Kuning, you can start investing in property, because it is in an area with high investment value. Call the hotline at 0811 658 1108 for further explanation.